Bulbo (13)

1. The song you’ve been most singing to yourself recently?
– living.. on a jet plane liviiiiiing…. hahhahahha ( tdk sedang bernyanyi )
2. What do you currently want right now?
– nothing..
3. What did you do today?
– hm… working
4. Are you hungry?
– not really..
5. What have you been thinking about most today?
– everything..
6. Do you ever just sit outside and watch the stars?
– yupz.. kadang”… saat g tw mw ngpain!
7. What is your current annoyance?
– … tau deh …
8. Do you want a new cell phone?
– no
9. Are you waiting for someone right now?
– hmmm.. don’t ask the question for me pliss…
10. Name two things you’re looking forward for next month?
– nihonggo o’ he2
11. Can you make new friends easily?
– tampaknya begitu..
13. Do you plan out what you wear the day before you wear it?
– g..
14. What is life to you?
– something that’s unpredictible..
15. Have you ever fell for your best friend?
– yupz..
16. If you had a chance to save someone significant to you, would you?
– banget..
17. How many times do you eat each day?
– gak tau ah
18. How do you feel right now?
– perhaps…
19. Are you a morning person?
– yups..
20. Think of one person, stick with it. You don’t have to say their name. Would you pick them up alone 100 plus miles away if it was your birthday?
– nggak..
21. If you could go back in time and change things, would you?
– I don’t go back in time.. I realy enjoy with ma life anytime… ha2
22. Give two reasons why you get distracted in work.
– xixixie.. no comment…
23. Do you think it’s funny when people get hurt?
– maybe… ha2…
24. Would you rather go to Tokyo or Paris?
– absolutely Bangka… ha2
25. Do you have a guitar in your house?
– long time a go yes.. but I give to ma bro
26. Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
– iya..
27. How often do you get onto friendster?
– udah jarang..
28. How long can you go without your mobile phone?
– ntahlah..
29. Do you have any enemies?
– g..
30. What would you like to say to one person on your mind?
– i wait 4 u halaaaaahhhh….. tau ah hi2

2 thoughts on “Bulbo (13)”

  1. ” What is life to you?
    – something that’s unpredictible..”
    I think, what makes life so interesting is because we never know what will happen.
    ” If you had a chance to save someone significant to you, would you?”
    unga : no comment ah.. ahahahhah….

  2. ” What is life to you?
    – something that’s unpredictible..”
    I think, what makes life so interesting is because we never know what will happen.
    ” If you had a chance to save someone significant to you, would you?”
    unga : no comment ah.. ahahahhah….

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